Rhapsody in Blue Jeans

Rhapsody in Blue Jeans



[symple_skillbar title=”Too bad to be good and too good to be bad” percentage=”48″ color=”#5781de” show_percent=”true”]

A meticulously in-depth view of the relationship of IBM and the Nazi regime in Europe.  Very well documented.  Exhaustive look at the correspondence and interaction between the leader of IBM and Nazi leaders during a time when many American companies were boycotting Nazi Germany.  Also covering the role of IBM machines in the tabulation of the Nazi’s prisoners.

[symple_accordion_section title=”TITLE“] IBM AND THE HOLOCAUST [/symple_accordion_section]
[symple_accordion_section title=”AUTHOR“] Edwin Black[/symple_accordion_section]

[symple_accordion_section title=”YEAR“]  2001, 2009 [/symple_accordion_section]

[symple_accordion_section title=”TYPE“] information/non-fiction/reference [/symple_accordion_section]
[symple_accordion_section title=”ISBN“] 978-0-9141-5310-8 [/symple_accordion_section]

[symple_tab title=”Readability“] It is an exhaustive book.  A few interesting spots.  Very monotonous most of the book. [/symple_tab]
[symple_tab title=”Time of reading“] 13 hrs.  – 20 hrs. [/symple_tab]
[symple_tab title=”Recommended for…“] Nerds, info-buffs, bored people [/symple_tab][symple_tab title=”Not recommended for…“] Sheeple, people with a life, IBM employees or stockholders [/symple_tab]

[symple_tab title=”Grabbing Power“] I’d give it 2 out of 10 [/symple_tab]

[symple_tab title=”Relevancy“] Not very [/symple_tab]

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