Rhapsody in Blue Jeans

Rhapsody in Blue Jeans


Years ago I wrote several doctrinal essays while acquiring my master’s degree in church growth.  I am currently attempting to assemble them in book form which will be offered digitally.  All of the essays are written in iambic pentameter.  Here is one I wrote on heaven.

Heaven’s not a dream, not just a concept;

Not a state of mind, and here at onset

Let us make clear that it’s a concrete place

(With evil and blemishes, not a trace),

Inhabited by the redeemed and saved

For whom a way by Christ’s pure blood was paved;

And who with Him will live forevermore

On heaven’s sinless, happy, golden shore.

First let’s look at Biblical description

And make distinction ‘tween fact and fiction.

Just as hell entails a consummation

(Of all mankind’s fears a compilation),

So heaven’s a euphoric summation

Of all mankind’s hopes – a jubilation.

There will be an earth and heaven brand new.

A city will descend, so says John’s view –

A city adorned as a bride would be

In preparation for matrimony.

The city is equidistant foursquare

(Another city with it can’t compare!);

Fifteen hundred miles wide and as long,

Equal with its height – twelve thousand furlong.

In that city there will be no more night;

No more sickness, no more death, no more blight.

All tears God will wipe from His children’s eyes.

He will dwell amongst them – this is their prize!

The Lord and the Lamb are heaven’s temple:

No need of sun, God’s glory is ample.
The city’s walls are brilliant – twelve pearl gates.

Transparent gold streets are one of its traits.

Inside the walls from God’s throne proceeding

Is a pure and crystal river feeding

That holy tree of life whose leaves doth heal

Nations – whose fruit and fragrance none can steal!

Let’s briefly take a look at time sequence

To see the order of coming events.

It started back when Peter posed question

And continued on as Christ did mention

That where He was headed in near future,

Peter could not follow yet, but ‘twas sure

That someday in the future Christ would come

To claim His own and rescue them all from

Damnation.  Hence, He left us to prepare

A place that forever with Him we’d share.

He started that two thousand years ago,

And now we wait for angel’s trump to blow,

After which we’ll enjoy the marriage feast

For seven years (with Him we’ll celebrate)

And return to earth – He’ll be Potentate.

For a thousand years He’ll reign in glory

Until Satan puts up one last fury.

Christ will win the battle and will judge him,

After which descends New Jerusalem;

And there we’ll live in mansions He’s prepared

Forever – that’s why He said “Don’t be scared!”

And who’ll live forever in that city?

Well, not everyone, it is a pity.

The redeemed will inhabit all that land;

Those who have rejected Christ will be banned.

God’s servants will finally look on His face –

The One Who saved them through His wondrous grace.

His great name shall be written on their brow,

And bride ‘fore bridegroom will forever bow.

Ev’ry name that’s penned in the book of life

Will join that body that He’ll call His wife.

Heaven is the place of God’s destiny,

With our Savior to spend eternity.

While this old world may still be home to some –

Lord Jesus Christ, we’re waiting – quickly, come!


– Nick Maulucci

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