Rhapsody in Blue Jeans

Rhapsody in Blue Jeans


Years ago I invested a few thousand dollars in a venture.  Mainstream articles I read downplayed this type of investment, discouraging it as pie-in-the-sky and pipe-dream mentality.  I struck it rich anyway.

Oh yeah, I’m dancing in the streets!  Finally, everything that hypothetically goes along with making the big bucks – freedom, fulfillment, joy, peace – oh, yeah, it’s mine now!

I watched friends and acquaintances search and slave to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  Some of them found some money, but they just never seemed satisfied and always had to have more.

I invested in a contract of sorts. Its dividends were supposed to be so amazing that cash would pale in comparison.  Well, the articles I read on the investment were right!  My ship is in port and I’m unloading the goods on a daily basis.

In our cash-dominated, feminist-run society, I realize that the ship Katie and I are unloading may not be politically correct, but the tangible benefits are too intoxicating to turn our back on it.

My investment was marriage.  Our rules of investment – the Bible.  My personal dividends are…well, let’s just say…far above rubies.

The love of money is the root of all evil.  Lie #1 is cash makes one happy or fulfilled or safe.  I don’t have to sell you on that one, I presume.

Lie #2 is that happiness is found in the lie of the feminist movement.  Eve was an over-bearing feminist who wanted to be equal with, not just her husband, but also with God.  She was deceived.  Adam was not.  It is written in the Bible so you must agree.

Later this year we will be in the States for a few months.  We are bracing ourselves now for the embarrassment of what is accepted as manhood in the United States.  Children with more fear of Mama than of Papa.  “I am Hilga – I will break you.”

A woman will rule the house if she wants to.  A man can rule the house only if the woman allows him to.  The power is with the woman which is why the deceiver is working overtime (and succeeding) in making it politically and socially incorrect to follow the Bible anymore in marriage.

Submission, obedience, complaining, careers, child-bearing, cooking, sowing, gardening – let’s just cut out Proverbs 31.  Hey, I feel for you guys that are woman-dominated.  You can’t really do anything about it except divorce or fall in line.

Every day, rings are put in noses and the castrator is back at work.  Men, here is a sign that you are castrated – your marriage is without conflict.  Yeah, you read that right.  She’s got you so messed up that you think you run the house so there never is a marriage conflict.  If there is a differing of opinions, “Yes, ma’am” and life goes on.

Sorry, got off on a little rabbit-trail there.  So, my baby is not calling mama every third day or her girlfriends to…well, let’s be Christian about this…murmur to them about how difficult it is to be with me.  She is too busy loving our kids, cooking our food, massaging my back, rubbing my feet, and unloading our boat of fulfillment to…murmur…to somebody else.

Now, I know you have been brainwashed and I have patience, my brother.  From the Honeymooners to Everybody Loves Raymond and every sitcom in between, we have been programmed to believe that only a man-pig could expect his wife to serve him and only a weak, brainless woman could fulfill that role.

I’m sorry you’ve been duped.  Marriage is supposed to be a symbol of heaven on earth.  Ever heard of the Marriage feast of the Lamb?  We are the bride and we serve Christ,the bridegroom, because he loves us unconditionally.

So, my investment paid off.  Not with money or lands or riches, but with a little bit of heaven on earth.  Oh, we have our squabbles and disagreements, but they pale in comparison to the peace and love and bond we have in family and in each other.  We always make up which usually ends up out of control.

So keep watching your chick flicks and love stories and sitcoms.  Feminism is the real pie-in-the-sky.  We’ll just keep unloading our passion and love and laughter and life and joy and fulfillment from a little ship called Heaven on Earth.

io amo questa bella donna!


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