Rhapsody in Blue Jeans

Rhapsody in Blue Jeans


Too long have we warmed our hands over the embers of the Great Awakening. Too long have we hitched our wagon to the star of past generations of preachers. Too long have we coasted on the backs of the post-civil war Americans’ work ethic. Too long have we sat idly by the fire of reminisce telling the tales of how great we were. Too long have we felt the shove of leftists and marxists and heathen without shoving back, simply hoping it would be their last shove. Too long have we told ourselves that we are the exception. Too long have we allowed our unbounded pride to convince us that we are great. Too long has the American flag held pre-eminence over the Christian flag. Too long have we measured our goodness by comparing ourselves to the greedy, godless nations of the world. Too long have we enjoyed luxury with need of nothing. Too long have we stood admiring the portrait of our past instead of standing in front of the mirror to see the cancer-eaten organism that is simply a shell of what she used to be. Too long have we reveled in our strength instead of relying on God. Too long have we decried King George III’s government while not acknowledging that we have practically become that government.

We sit in the living room watching the NFL, NBA and ESPN while the government sneaks in to take our guns and steal our social freedoms. We send our wives and mothers to the workforce while the government herds our children off to indoctrination classes. We wax our cars and paint our houses while the throat of liberty is being slit in the backyard. We follow reality TV while our reality and future burns in the garbage barrel. We live vicariously through actors and athletes while counting success as being able to work 9 to 5 and pay bills accrued.

After being in 45 churches in a little over 15 weeks, we seem to sense whisperings of an awakening amongst the Christians. We have been pushed to the brink. Slowly…too slowly…we have begun to realize that sacrificing liberties in the name of safety is NOT worth it. Like the loyalists of old, we have preferred to pay the tax and have Mother England defend us. Unfortunately, the globalists in Uncle Sam’s clothing have offered to “protect” us through a litany of regulations. We ourselves are becoming loyalists at our own behest.

I am no pessimist. While we are not on the brink of revival, our sense is that we are on the brink of an awakening that could lead to revival. We are being pushed back to the prayer closet – why do we resist? We are being led back to Holy Ghost consecration – why do we ignore? It is time to band together as brothers and exalt Christ over country. The shackles of indifference and apathy can be destroyed with the destruction of our worldly appetites. While my natural, patriotic self sings “God bless America”, my born again self says “God, you are worth anything – even my country.” God save America! We do not need blessing; we need saving.

The time has come to stop trusting in America. Our technology, our prowess, our strength, our history cannot save us. Token prayers and posts on revival to soothe our consciences while we drop a couple grand on fantasyland based on fantasy in Florida or California has not helped our state and never will. The kindling and fuel for revival are being gathered even as we speak. Will you pick up the torch of holiness and prayer and fasting and tears and ignite the kindling?

Awake, America, out of the euphoric stupor of riches and abundance and pride. Cast off the effervescent scent of lasciviousness and let your nostrils sense the burning embers of Holy Ghost awakening. It is our time. It is our duty. It is not too late! For our posterity; for our forefathers; for America of old; for Christ’s sake – Awake, America! Awake!


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