Rhapsody in Blue Jeans

Rhapsody in Blue Jeans

We Were Americans

“When in the course of human events…” I love the deliberate phrasing of our founding fathers. “It becomes necessary…” We were not asking for permission. It was not up for debate. We had concluded and now were acting on that conclusion – that is the American way.

The old American way.

I do not see America through rose-colored glasses…anymore. I did at one time because that is what every culture and every nation does to its citizens – throws on a pair of rose-colored glasses when they are born.

Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama have sealed our fate as a socialist state. The George Bushes have sealed our fate as a globalist state.

There has been a power struggle for our money system since the beginning. We, the American people, lost. While many of the outward trappings of the great America remain, we are in zombi mode internally, financially. Whether it was Connecticut blue-blood George Bush increasing our deficit by seven trillion or marxist B. Hussein Obama increasing it by seven trillion – we are headed towards destruction.

However, it was not always so. “Freedom” and “Democracy” are today’s buzzwords for the American. A sign of the completion of the brainwashing. Quickly fading are the words “Liberty” and “Republic”.

Liberty and Republic are deeper, wider, greater, stronger, lovelier, and much more meaningful words than the cheap words of Freedom and Democracy.

Millennials are not Americans – they are Romericans. Millennials know more about fantasy football and American idol than Supreme Court Justices or their senators or governor. Millennials are losers – the results of powers that want us ignorant of who we were and what we were founded as.

It was not always so. Americans are pioneers. They are tough. They don’t make excuses. They know what they want and they go for it. They aren’t looking for a handout.

While Europeans had spent time in the New World here and there for at least a hundred years, it was the Pilgrims, namely, the Scrooby congregation on which old America was founded. In order to escape the worldly influences of Europe and the lack of religious liberty in England, these hardy folk hopped aboard the Speedwell and the Mayflower to make a new land their home.

They were Americans. The first Americans. And while they were beaten and battered that first year, they eventually took that huge continent and shook it by its horns and tamed it. I know – they were Irish and English and German and Scandinavian and Polish and Scotch – but they all had something in common. They were Americans. They were not coming for a handout but for an opportunity for liberty.

A far cry from today.

For 150 years they scraped and scratched out a living as God-fearing pioneers and finally they got a foothold. And then England does what European governments and monarchies always do – they came to fleece the sheep.

One problem, these sheep had the teeth of wolves and the hearts of lions. They were Americans. They were not about to be bullied by some pompous, spoiled, inbred monarch living in a palace in London. At first, politely, and then, less, they told George III to stick it up his left nostril.

Boston Tea Party. Love.

A call to arms was made. Many living in America were apathetic. I have read statistics as high as five out of six did not want war, but there were enough old-fashioned, red-blooded, liberty-loving Ethan Allens and Samuel Adamses to rouse us to arms.

They met. Here and there they met. Ragtag frontiersmen. Slowly and surely they calculated their reaction. There were no politicians. There were statesmen.

And then they did it. They drew up a document that 56 of them signed declaring their independence.

They were Americans. Cocky, liberty-loving, independent, gun-toting, frontier-taming, Bible-guided Americans.

I love it that we celebrate July 4th as Independence Day and not the day the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1781. We were independent when we said we were independent, not when the powers of Europe resigned themselves to the fact of our independence.

I love July 4th. For 140 years or so we lived out that bold and daring dream called the American dream. We wrangled rivers, tamed trees, and man-handled the mountains. We were Americans.

We were not perfect. We were rough around the edges. We did not always make the right decisions. But we were determined, decided, strong, and focused.

July 4th is a tribute to the old America. A tribute to kicking England’s royal butt. A tribute to political incorrectness. A tribute to the American spirit.

It is a day for a cookout for millennials. It is the day that old Americans symbolically thumb their noses at England and the European system.

And old Americans are out there. They put their hand over their heart for the national anthem. They well with emotion on seeing Old Glory waving. Their eyes water when hearing a patriotic song.

They are still out there. Liberty beats in their breast. They know we can never go back to what we were, but we can remember and honor those ideals that made us what we were.

We were not subjects, we were not citizens of the world, we were not politically correct, we were not told what to do, we were not cared for by big brother, we were suspicious of government, we loved liberty, we accepted impossible challenges, we landed on the shores of an untamed land and turned it into the most powerful and productive country in the world in 150 years, we defended the weak, we honored the strong, we feared the Lord.

We were Americans.

19 thoughts on “We Were Americans

  1. ……but American lost their faith in God, and they are too proud with their President Donald Trump. Children from mexican who are coming not legal to America were taken away from their parents. How cruel.
    America is not the country God has choosen, because they want to have power over the world.
    The people adore their president like a god.Americans don’t make excuses, why not? Godly people always make excuses, because they are humble before God and not proud, that they are americans.
    Nobody should be proud in this world for anything they did or got, because everything belongs to God.People has forgotten to go the path God He has for us . John 17:3
    There is only One God, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, And His human Son Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Jesus Christ is our Messiah and our Mediator between God and the people.
    Only this revelation is important to us, being a proud citizen of a country is worldly, and we should not be worldly.
    May God bless you.

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